發布時間:2016-04-20   訪問次數:4163   作者:



姓名: 李科晶

職稱: 講師


E-mail kejing.li@ecust.edu.cn
















  1. 李科晶*,方波. 自制實驗視頻在流變學教學中的應用實踐. 化工高等教育,2020(6):116-119.

  2. 羅炎生, 方波*, 盧擁軍, 邱曉惠,管保山,李科晶. 耐高溫壓裂液研究進展. 油田化學, 2018, 35(3):169-173.

  3. 吳本芳*, 吳一昊, 方波, 李科晶, 高晉生,吳東,徐承中. 高凝原油用聚合物型降凝劑的制備及其降凝機理. 精細石油化工, 2017, 34(6):45-50.

  4. K. Li*, C.A. Dawydiak. Chemistry and transport of potassium during the non-steady state of syenite leaching. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2017, 81(1):29~40.

  5. J. Chen, B. Fang*, H. Jin, L. Yu, M. Tian, K. Li, L. Jin, M. Yang. Potorheologically reversible micelle composed of polymerizable cationic surfactant and 4-phynylazo benzoic acid. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24(2):289-292.

  6. M. Tian, B. Fang*, L. Jin, Y. Lu, X. Qiu, H. Jin, K. Li. Rheological and drag reduction properties of hydroxylpropyl xanthan gum solutions. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23(9):1440-1446.

  7. K. Li, M. Vasiliu, C.R. McAlpin, Y. Yang, D.A. Dixon, K.J. Voorhees, M. Batzle, M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring*. Further insights into the structure and chemistry of the Gilsonite asphaltene from a combined theoretical and experimental approach. Fuel, 2015, 157, 16-20.

  8. K. Li, B.A. Akeredolu, A. Renehan, M. Batzle, R. Evans, J. Dorgan, Y. Yang, M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring*. Correlation of chemistry and rheological properties for Alaskan heavy oil. Fuel, 2013, 103, 843–849.

  9. K. Li, C.R. McAlpin, B.A. Akeredolu, A. Bazyleva, K.J. Voorhees, M. Batzle, M.W. Liberatore, A.M. Herring*. A rheological and chemical investigation of Canadian heavy oils from the McMurray formation. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(7):4445-4453.

  10. K. Li, S. Li, N. Li, T.M. Klein*, D.A. Dixon*. Tetrakis(ethylmethylamido) hafnium adsorption and reaction on hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115(38):18560-18571.

  11. K. Li, L. Zhang, D.A. Dixon, T.M. Klein*. Undulating topography effects on the HfO2 thin film growth in a horizontal MOCVD reactor. AIChE Journal, 2011, 57(11):2989-2996.

  12. K. Li, S. Li, N. Li, D. A. Dixon, T. M. Klein*. Tetrakis(dimethylamido) hafnium adsorption and reaction on hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(33):14061-14075.

  13. C.L. Platt*, N. Li, K. Li, T.M. Klein. Atomic layer deposition of HfO2: Growth initiation study on metallic underlayers. Thin Solid Films, 2010, 518(15):4081-4086.

  14. K. Li, S. Dubey, H. Bhandari, Z. Hu, C.H. Turner, T.M. Klein*. In situ attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of hafnium (IV) tert butoxide adsorption onto hydrogen terminated Si (100) and Si (111). Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2007, 25, 1389-1394.



1. 高溫壓裂液稠化劑合成與特性表征,國家科技重大專項項目任務,2017.1-2020.12,參與。

2. 重油膠質組分分析及流變性質關聯研究,教育部中央高校基本科研業務費專項基金, 2015.1-2017.12,主持。

3. 國産重油組分測定與流變性質的關聯研究,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金,2015.1-2016.12,主持。

4. 上海高校教師産學研踐習計劃項目,2015.9-2016.9,主持。
